creates a template |
analyses the binary, prints checksec and .comment (often includes Distro and Compiler info) |
ssh to current vagd instance (must be in exploit dir) |
scp to from current vagd instance (must be in exploit dir) |
clean current vagd instance (stop/kill/remove/destroy) |
Module Contents
- vagd.cli.quote(x: str)
- vagd.cli.DOGD_BOX = 'Box.DOCKER_UBUNTU'
- vagd.cli.DOGD = 'vm = Dogd(BINARY, image={box}, {args}) # Docker'
- vagd.cli.QEGD_BOX = 'Box.QEMU_UBUNTU'
- vagd.cli.QEGD = 'vm = Qegd(BINARY, img={box}, {args}) # Qemu'
- vagd.cli.SHGD = "vm = Shgd(BINARY, user='user', host='localhost', port=22, {args}) # SSH"
- vagd.cli.VAGD_BOX = 'Box.VAGRANT_JAMMY64'
- vagd.cli.VAGD = 'vm = Vagd(BINARY, {box}, {args}) # Vagrant'
- vagd.cli.AD_ENV = Multiline-String
Show Value
"""# ad envs IS_AD = os.getenv('TARGET_IP') is not None # running on ad IP = os.getenv('TARGET_IP', IP) # remote ip EXTRA = json.loads(os.getenv('TARGET_EXTRA', '[]')) # flag ids"""
- vagd.cli.err_console
- vagd.cli.console
- vagd.cli._version(value: bool) None
- vagd.cli.main(version: bool | None = typer.Option(None, '--version', '-v', help='Show current vagd version and exit.', callback=_version, is_eager=True)) None
- vagd.cli.add_virt(dependencies: List[str], vms: List[str], dependency: str, template: str, args: Dict[str, str], multi: bool = False, box: str = 'BOX')
- vagd.cli._info(binary, color=True) str
- vagd.cli.template(binary: str | None = typer.Argument('', help='Binary to Exploit'), ip: str | None = typer.Argument('', help='Ip or Domain of the remote target'), port: int | None = typer.Argument(0, help='port of the remote target'), output_exploit: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '-e', help='output file of the template (also add +x) to'), output: str | None = typer.Option('', '-o', help='output file of the template (also add +x), default stdout'), libc: str | None = typer.Option('', '--libc', '-l', help='add libc to template'), libs: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '--libs', help='download libraries from virt'), files: List[str] | None = typer.Option([], '--files', '-f', help='add files to remote'), symbols: bool | None = typer.Option(True, '--no-symbols', help='install libc debug symbols (might update libc)'), aslr: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '--aslr', '-a', help='enable gdb ASLR (default: disabled for gdb)'), dogd: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '--dogd', '--docker', '-d', help='create docker template'), image: str | None = typer.Option(DOGD_BOX, '--image', help='docker image to use'), qegd: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '--qegd', '--qemu', '-q', help='create qemu template'), img: str | None = typer.Option(QEGD_BOX, '--img', help='qemu cloud image to use'), vagd: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '--vagd', '--vagrant', help='DEPRECATED: create vagrant template'), vbox: str | None = typer.Option(VAGD_BOX, '--vbox', help='vagrant box to use'), shgd: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '--shgd', '--ssh', '-s', help='create ssh template'), local: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '--local', help='create local template'), ad: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '--ad', help='create an ad compatible template'), root: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '--root', '-r', help='create a root environment'), no_aliases: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '--no-aliases', help='no aliases in the template'), no_info: bool | None = typer.Option(False, '--no-info', help='no binary info'))
creates a template
- str = typer.Argument(..., help='Binary to analyse'))
analyses the binary, prints checksec and .comment (often includes Distro and Compiler info)
- vagd.cli._get_type() str
- vagd.cli._exec(cmd: str, env: Dict[str, str] | None = None)
- vagd.cli._ssh(port, user)
- vagd.cli.ssh(user: str | None = typer.Option(None, '--user', '-u', help='ssh user'))
ssh to current vagd instance (must be in exploit dir)
- vagd.cli._scp(port: int, user: str, source: str, target: str, recursive: bool, keyfile: str = Pwngd.KEYFILE)
- vagd.cli.scp(source: str = typer.Argument(..., help='source file'), target: str = typer.Argument('vagd:./', help='target file'), recursive: bool = typer.Option(False, '-r', '--recursive', help='recursive copy'), user: str | None = typer.Option(None, '--user', '-u', help='ssh user'))
scp to from current vagd instance (must be in exploit dir)
- vagd.cli.clean()
clean current vagd instance (stop/kill/remove/destroy)
- vagd.cli.start()